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Roger and Barbara Perron

Winter Homeowner Tips for December from Roger Perron Design Build

Roger Perron Design BuildDecember Greetings!

The holidays are a happy time of year to celebrate with great food, beautiful decorations, quality time with family and friends and the excitement of gift exchanges.  Here are some useful tips and ideas for home care and comfort this holiday season.

1. Change the furnace filter – One of the most important things you can do for warmth and comfort in your home is to change your furnace filter. It’s fast and you will extend the life of your furnace and also maintain healthy air quality and keep your energy costs down. Set a reminder on your phone or calendar to check the filter every three months to see if it’s dirty and change it as needed.

2. Use space heaters in seldom-used spaces – If you’re going to be spending more time in seldom used places like a garage, basement or workshop, warm up the space with a space heater or two. This will be a savings over using forced, heated air to warm up the space.

3. Care for wood furniture – The cold winter months can lead to wood furniture drying out or cracking. To remedy this, lemon oil can be used to put moisture back into the wood, but it may not add much moisture beneath the finish. Most important is to keep your home’s humidity at 40% to 45% by using a humidifier.  This will provide moisture to all areas of wood in the home.

4. Keep your home fresh and deodorized – This is the time of year to welcome guests into the home, so here are some tips to keep it smelling fresh. Use fresh wreaths and branches to decorate with.  Use a high-quality air filter to remove dirt, dust, mold or other contaminants from the air.  Open up some baking soda boxes to absorb odors in the refrigerator and freezer.

5. If you’re traveling – Take some simple safety steps if you plan to travel during the holidays. Ask a neighbor or friend to park in your driveway.  Keep your walkway swept while you’re away. Use a home security system with good alarms and place cameras in full view. Pause the mail delivery so it doesn’t pile up, and keep some lights on in the house.

Until next time, Happy Homeowner-ing!

Roger Perron Design and Construction
323-664-7001, Ext. 1